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SPE | Energy Literacy Event: SAIT Family Science Day - Fracking with Jello

Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020 Location: SAIT, Johnson-Cobbe Energy Centre Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

For more information, click here.

Modern Miracle Network, the Society of Petroleum Engineers - Young Professionals, Calgary Section and the SAIT Student Petroleum Society invite you and your family to Fracking with Jello: Family Science Day for the 3rd year in a row!

Learn about the science behind oil and gas - how it works and what it looks like. This open house will give kids and adults the opportunity to try out hands-on experiments demonstrating how we bring energy to Albertans and the world. Get a chance to tour the SAIT facilities, meet students and professors. Even check out the drilling rig simulator, coil tubing simulator, and production lab! There is fun for all ages, join us for an adventure of learning and discovery!

Light snacks will be provided by SAIT Culinary School.

The admission is just $10 per family or $15 at the door.

All proceeds from this event are donated to the SPE Energy Literacy team. This group of engaged, technical members are developing fun and accessible ways for Calgarians to interact with and learn about the energy industry, with the aim of fostering a community that is well-versed in Energy Literacy.

Presented by: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Young Professionals, SPE Calgary Section, Modern Miracle Network, SAIT Student Petroleum Society

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