Statistical Approach to Forecasting Gas-Oil Ratios & Solution Gas Production for Shale Oil Reser
Date: Tuesday, 6 December 2016 Speaker: Dr. John Lee, Ph.D. Energy Navigator Location: Calgary Petroleum Club Time: 11:30 - 1:00 pm...
Breakfast Series (Part 3 of 3): Production Forecasting Using Decline Analysis
Evaluators commonly use the modified hyperbolic equation to forecast rate-time profiles for unconventional wells. We will examine this...
Breakfast Series: Unconvential Forecasts and Type Wells (Part 2 of 3): Production Rate Scaling
Ideal analogs for predicting results for future drill campaigns are often unavailable or are few in number because we continuously...
Breakfast Series: Unconventional Forecasts and Type Wells (Part 1 of 3) - Type Wells
Type wells are rate-time production profiles that engineers use to represent the expected production rate and recovery from newly drilled...
Anisotropy of ‘Shales’: Implications for Geomechanical Investigations
Having a solid understanding of the mechanical properties of rock and rock masses is becoming increasingly important in the search for...
Risk Analysis – A Critical Skill
Given the current environment in the Oil & Gas industry, every decision must be one that has a positive impact for any given company. ...