PES | City of Calgary Lunch and Learn
The City of Calgary will be coming on campus for a lunch and learn on October 4th! Be sure to drop in to learn more about waste...
SPE | Workshop: The Montney – Playing to Win
When: October 29, 2019 (7:30am) to October 30, 2019 (5:00pm) Where: Hudson Calgary Early bird deadline: October 15, 2019 Montney...
APEGA | Knowing Your Brand: Preparing Your Career for the Future of Work
Where: Higher Landing Calgary Office 505 3 Street SW Suite #200 Calgary, AB T2P 3E6 Date: October 16, 2019 Time: 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m....
SPE | Distinguished Lecturer: Using the Movement of Fluids in Geological Time to Improve Reservoir C
Date: Tuesday 15th of October 2019 Speaker: Bruce James, P.Eng. President @ James Reservoir Inc Location: Calgary Petroleum Club Time:...
SPE | Distinguished Lecturer: Production Optimisation of Conventional & Unconventional Wells wit
Date: Tuesday 8th of October 2019 Speaker: Lawrence Camilleri, Global Domain Head @ Schlumberger Location: Calgary Petroleum Club Time:...
SPE | Fracture Driven Interactions (a.k.a frac hits), root causes, definitions, case studies and mit
Date: Tuesday, 1st of October, 2019 Speaker: Michael F. Rainbolt, P.E. Senior Technical Advisor at Abra Controls Corporation Location:...

PES | Membership Drive
The Petroleum and Energy Society (PES) will be hosting our Membership Drive on Monday, September 23th from 5-7pm in ICT 114. If you are...

NACE | Lunch and Learn: Introduction to Coatings
NACE will be coming to campus for our lunch and learn this month. Come learn about corrosion control in the industry and a chance to...
SPE | Lessons Learned from Practical Application of a Combined Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Si
Date: Tuesday, 24th of Sept 2019 Speaker: Mark McClure, PhD, Founder, ResFrac Corporation Location: Calgary Petroleum Club Time: 11:30...
APEGA | Student Conference 2019
The 2019 APEGA Student Conference is open to university students across Alberta, and others who are interested in furthering their career...